Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bliss on a Sunday

Today was a wonderful day. As it was a Sunday, everyone seemed to have plans to head off in different directions - and Husband and I decided to take the chance to jump in our rental and do some exploring of the local region. We drove about 20kms along the coast - through a few beautiful little towns, stopping every now and then.

The towns were quaint, packed with tourists, incredible old buildings and interesting things to see. The market in Anglet sold everything from big fresh fish to deep-fried croissants, and rows and rows of hand-picked locally-grown fruit. As we walked the sun beat down on our backs - deliciously hot. Then we were back in the car, and off to the next town. Here we met a classic old Catholic church, a cemetery with layers of the dead and a piazza scented with the glorious smell of cooking garlic.

Finally, we drove back to St Jean de Luz - the local town - for some further exploring and sightseeing. Here we found a restaurant which would soon provide the best meal I've ever eaten (see next post) and endless alleyways and promenades to explore.

The day was not complete until we had a siesta, a home cooked meal back at the house, and then all rushed back into town for ice-creams. The best bit? Stumbling across a fireworks display in the piazza - it was all gunpowder, brightly-coloured confetti and a large plastic bull from which the fireworks were lit. Who knew that Sunday was party night? You can't quite beat Lady Gaga playing over a throng of people as you work your through the crowds to find the best ice-cream shop.


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